Medical Massage Therapy

Medical massage uses a clinical approach to treating specific musculo-skeletal injuries and conditions. The massage incorporates soft-tissue manipulation and is performed with a desired clinical outcome while honoring any contraindications. The treatments may incorporate the muscle movement technique MyoKinesthetics with the intention of balancing posture and re-educating the nervous system.

With so many people turning to holistic healing, helpful alternatives can go unnoticed, one of them is Medical Massage Therapy. Unlike traditional massage, Medical Massage focuses on a particular medical diagnosis with specific treatment plan, and can be recommended for a variety of maladies, including Sciatica, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Migraines, Fibromyalgia and Muscle cramps. It isn’t a particular style of massage in itself, but it mixes various Advanced Manual Therapy Techniques to address specific medical conditions.

Patients can undergo Medical Massage Therapies for numerous chronic problems. Employees who suffer from Back or Neck Pain while sitting down, an Athlete who pulled a muscle while playing a sport, the practice uses specific massage methods to cure localized problems.

Other techniques employed:

Medical massage Therapists at Healing Hands will assess and document presenting conditions and provides hands-on soft tissue therapy filling an essential role in holistic pathology rehabilitation.

Conditions treated: